Bulletin No 29


25.03.19 Paris Info evening 5.45pm-6.45pm
26.03.19 Krakow Info evening 5pm-6pm
27.03.19 S1 Merit Event  
28.03.19 Italy Info evening 6pm-7pm
29.03.19 School Closes at 1.10pm for Spring Break  


22.04.19 SQA Exams Start  

P         Senior Phase assemblies

Assemblies will take place on Wednesday, 27th March at the following times:

  • 9.25 am – S4
  • 9.40 am – S5
  • 10 am – S6

It is important that all Senior Phase students attend these assemblies as reports and exam timetables will be issued, and information regarding SQA exams will be provided.

B Lee

P         Vacancies

Arnold Clark are currently recruiting apprentices – please see the following link for information: https://apprenticeships.gtg.co.uk/

B Lee

P         Army Careers information

We have received information about work experience opportunities with the British Army.  If you would be interested in finding out more about work experience with the army or any other organisation, please speak to your Pupil Support teacher, Mr Gray or Miss Lee.  If you would be interested in finding out more about army careers, an open day takes place on 11th May 2019 at the Army Foundation College in Harrogate.  Travel will be organised for individuals aged 16-17.5 and their families if they would be interested in attending, departing from Glasgow at approximately 6.15 am on the day.  For more information, please contact the Army Careers Office in Glasgow.

B Lee

P         Shine – Footloose!

Good luck to all students who are involved in Shine’s latest show, Footloose, which opens on Tuesday evening in Motherwell Concert Hall and runs until Saturday 30th March.

B Lee

P         Spring Break Study School – 1st-3rd April 2019

            We plan to offer Senior Phase students who are studying for National 5, Higher and             Advanced Higher exams the opportunity to attend ‘Spring Break Study School’ on             Monday 1st, Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April 2019.  The timetable for supported     and supervised study was issued at assembly on Monday, 4th February.  Students are            asked to sign up for classes using this link: https://tinyurl.com/y6qtc3yk  We   encourage all students to attend as many of these revision or study sessions as             possible.

                                                                                                                                            B Lee

P          Additional Learning Opportunities

            A list of the many additional learning opportunities and extra-curricular activities can be             found on the school website.  We encourage all students to take part in these activities.

B Lee 

P          Printing

Please remember that students can request to print an essay/assignment in B208.

B Lee

P          Blazer Exchange

We would love to receive donations of any unwanted items of school uniform, particularly school blazers, so that we can provide a ‘blazer exchange’. When we have sufficient stock, we hope to offer students the opportunity to exchange their blazer for a new size.  If we don’t have your size available, a token would be given meantime.  Please note: It would be helpful if blazers were washed before they are donated so that we can arrange the exchange quickly.

B Lee

P          EMA – S5/6

EMA application forms can be collected from the School Office or downloaded from the South Lanarkshire Council website. On the Council website, click on ‘Education and Learning’, then ‘Secondary School Information’, then ‘Education Maintenance Allowance’.  If you need any help with this, please see Mr Gray or your Pupil Support Teacher.

It is your responsibility to complete and send the application form.

When you receive an award letter with your EMA number on it, bring this to Miss Lee who will then issue a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by your teachers and Parent/Guardian.  You should then return the completed Learning Agreement to Miss Lee and the school office will then process your EMA. 

Only when you have completed all of the above will the payment process begin.  Please see Mr Gray if you have any questions about EMA.

A Gray

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