Bulletin No 2



2nd Sept 2019

School Photographs





11th Sept 2019

P7/S1 Parents’ Open Afternoon (Period 6&7)


16th Sept 2019

SfL Open Evening


17th Sept 2019

S3 Report Issued


17th Sept 2019

S2 Merit Reward Event – Cinema Morning


25th Sept 2019

Senior Phase Reports Issued


26th Sept 2019

Author Visit – Matthew Fitt



27th & 30th Sept 2019

September Weekend Holiday


P         House Captains and Vice Captains 2019-20

Well done to all S5 and S6 students who participated in the speeches for House and Vice Captains on Tuesday.  Thank you to everyone who helped to organise the polling stations      and to everyone who voted on Friday, 30th August.  We look forward to announcing the results.

B Lee

P          SCHOLAR Passwords

SCHOLAR passwords and usernames have been issued to S4-S6 students who are studying subjects supported by SCHOLAR. SCHOLAR is an on-line resource, developed by Heriot-Watt University, which provides study guides, activities, practice assessments and live tutorials for a range of subjects.  Resources are currently available to support the following subjects:

Research has shown that using SCHOLAR as part of your revision can increase students’ attainment by a full grade. 

Please see your Tutor teacher if you still need to collect your username and password.  If you have any questions about SCHOLAR, please see Miss Lee.

B Lee


P          Mary’s Meals – Backpack Project

Thank you to everyone who has already donated a pre-loved backpack to our collection for Mary’s Meals.  The Mary’s Meals Backpack Project aims to give children who receive Mary’s Meals in Malawi the basic tools for learning.  Children are given a backpack full of stationery to help them to get the most out of school.  If you got a new school bag this summer and your old school bag could be used by someone else, please hand your old school bag or backpack into the school office by the end of August 2019. A representative from Mary’s Meals will collect these to support the work of the charity.  This also encourages recycling!

B Lee



P          School Lockers

If you would like a school locker, firstly identify the number of the locker you would like to use.  Give your name and preferred locker number to the school office, who will check availability.  The school office can lend you a padlock for your locker or you can bring your own. 

B Lee


P          P7/S1 Open Afternoon

Our P7/S1 Open Afternoon takes place on Wednesday, 11th September.  We look forward to welcoming parents and carers of all P7 and S1 students to our school.

B Lee


P          Assemblies

House assemblies will take place next week: Logan House on Tuesday, Milton on Wednesday and Kerse on Thursday.

B Lee


P          School Photos

School photos will be taken on Monday, 2nd September.

B Lee


P          S6 Prom and Graduation

Our S6 Prom is planned for Friday, 29th May 2020 in the Bothwell Bride Hotel.  S6 Graduation will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, 3rd June in the Games Hall.  If you would like to help to plan our Graduation event, please speak to Miss Lee. 

B Lee

P          Art and Design Folio

If any S5 or S6 pupil want their National 5 or Higher Art and Design folios returned from the SQA please let the Art Department know. It will cost £4 for both Expressive and Design folios back. Give the money to Mr Sharp before the deadline of Friday 13th September.

G Sharp

 P          Printing

Please remember that students can request to print an essay/assignment in B208.

B Lee

P          Blazer Exchange

We would love to receive donations of any unwanted items of school uniform, particularly school blazers, so that we can provide a ‘blazer exchange’. When we have sufficient stock, we hope to offer students the opportunity to exchange their blazer for a new size.  If we don’t have your size available, a token would be given meantime.  Please note: It would be helpful if blazers were washed before they are donated so that we can arrange the exchange quickly.

B Lee

P          EMA – S5/6

EMA application forms can be collected from the School Office or downloaded from the South Lanarkshire Council website. On the Council website, click on ‘Education and Learning’, then ‘Secondary School Information’, then ‘Education Maintenance Allowance’.  If you need any help with this, please see Mr Robertson or your Pupil Support Teacher.

It is your responsibility to complete and send the application form.

When you receive an award letter with your EMA number on it, bring this to Mr Robertson who will then issue a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by your teachers and Parent/Carer.  You should then return the completed Learning Agreement to Mr Robertson and the school office will then process your EMA. 

Only when you have completed all of the above will the payment process begin.  Please see Mr Robertson if you have any questions about EMA.

D Robertson

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