3rd May – 3rd June 2016 | S4-S6 Study Leave | B Lee |
Wed 11th May 2016 | Joseph – Theatre Trip | L Parsons |
16 – 17th May 2016 | S2 Auchengillan Trip | H Laird |
31st May–1st June 2016 | P7 Visit | G Cowan |
Tues 14th June 2016 | Prize Giving | G Cowan |
Fri 17th June 2016 | Fishing Trip | J Duffy |
20th – 21st June 2016 | St Andrews Golf Trip | B Biggart |
Wed 26th Oct 2016 | SECC – Careers Event S4-S6 pupils | H Laird |
P Drama Club
The Drama Club will no longer run on a Thursday afternoon, please speak to Mr Parry for further information.
P Auchengillan Trip
There will be a short meeting on Monday lunchtime for those pupils who are attending the S2 Auchengillan trip. This will take place in A104 (Mr Mallaghan’s room) at 1.30pm
All those going on the trip should attend in order to collect consent forms, kit lists and give info about rooming arrangements.
P Senior Pupils – Register to Vote
It’s easy to apply to register online now at and it only takes a few minutes. The lowering of the voting age means that 15 year olds can appear on the register so that you are ready to vote when you turn 16. Anyone who will be 16 by the time of the election next May should register now and get on the register in plenty of time. Further information for voters can be found at
P Dress Down Day
The money raised through the Dress Down Day before the holidays amounted to £500! Well done to you all but particularly to Sarah Nicol, 3L1, and her friends who organised this in support of the Salvation Army.
P Out of Class
Do not leave your classroom before the bell especially before morning interval, lunchtime and home time. The only people who should leave early are those who have to go to the medical room and those who have a lift pass and the helper. If you have to collect anything from another department, you either stay at that department until the bell rings or go back to your normal class.
P Water
Do not take water out of the Street area.
P S4, 5 and 6 Study Leave
The last day of teaching will be Friday, 29th April but you do not have study leave officially until Wednesday, 4th May. You may come into school on Tuesday, 3rd May, and study with your teachers. I hope you do really well; study hard but keep things in perspective. Ask for help! Good luck.
P Medical Conference
St. Andrew’s Hospice has organised a medical conference to support students in the new S5/6 who are applying for careers in medicine. The conference takes place on 13th or 14th June 2016. If you are interested in participating, please speak to Miss Lee or your Pupil Support teacher by 3rd May.
P Opportunity for S4-S6 pupils: Inspiring Enterprise Challenge
The ‘Inspiring Enterprise Challenge’ (formerly SLC’s Young Apprentice) is a great opportunity for sixteen S4/S5/S6 pupils and will take place during the summer holidays from Monday 25th July – Thursday 4th August 2016. Applications must be submitted by 29th April. Please see Miss Lee for further information.
P SQA Exams and Masterclasses
Assemblies will take place next week for students in S4, S5 and S6 to give information about SQA exams, Masterclasses and transport to and from school on the in-service day, May holiday and Friday afternoons.
P EMA – S5/6
Some changes are being made to the Education Maintenance Programme which will come into effect from 1st January 2016. The changes being implemented involve raising the eligibility threshold and extending the programme to part time college students. Currently, the income thresholds are £20,351 for households with one dependent child and £22,403 for households with more than one dependent child. As of 1st January 2016, the income thresholds will increase to £24,421 for households with one dependent child and £26,884 for households with more than one dependent child.
EMA application forms can be collected from Miss Lee or the School Office, or downloaded and printed from the South Lanarkshire Council website. On the Council website, click on ‘Education and Learning’, then ‘Secondary School Information’, then ‘Education Maintenance Allowance’.
It is your responsibility to:
- Collect or download the application form.
- Complete and send the application form.
- When you receive an award letter with your EMA number on it, bring this to Miss Lee who will then issue a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by your teachers and Parent/Guardian.
- Return the completed Learning Agreement to Miss Lee.
- This will then be processed by the office.
Only when you have completed all of the above will the payment process begin. Please see Miss Lee if you have any questions about EMA.