Bulletin No 14


24th Nov 2018 Christmas Fair B Lee
28th Nov 2018 S3 Report 2 issued B Lee
28th Nov 2018 S1 ‘Show Racism the Red Card Workshops’ B Lee
30th Nov 2018 S1 ‘Show Racism the Red Card Workshops’ B Lee



3rd Dec 2018 Senior Phase Assessments B Lee

P          Senior Phase Assessments – 3rd – 14th December 2018

Senior phase students were given copies of their SQA transcripts at this week’s assemblies.  Students should use this information to check the subjects and levels of courses they are entered for. Please let Miss Lee know if any information is incorrect.

An additional copy of the assessment calendar was also issued at assembly with an updated letter for parents/carers.  Copies of the assessment calendar and letter can be downloaded from the school website or collected from the school office.

Please confirm the times of practical exams with your class teachers.

If you have any questions about the December assessments or SQA information, please speak to Miss Lee.

B Lee

P          Inspiring Lesmahagow Cinema Trip

If any Inspiring Lesmahagow pupils did not receive their cinema trip letter, please see Mrs Rae (B101) ASAP.

N Rae

P          Additional Learning Opportunities

A list of the many additional learning opportunities and extra-curricular activities can be found on the school website.  We encourage all students to take part in these activities.

B Lee

P          Lesmahagow Development Trust – Work Experience Offer

Lesmahagow Development Trust would like to offer a Senior Phase student an opportunity to gain some work experience working in the Development Trust office.  Tasks will include some ICT projects.  If you would like to find out more information about this opportunity, please speak to your Pupil Support Teacher, Mr Gray or Miss Lee.

B Lee

P          Modern Apprenticeship Vacancies

Please see the following link for information on Modern Apprenticeship vacancies with HSBC in Hamilton: https://microcomtraining.com/live_vacancies/contact-centre-scqf-level-6-providing-financial-services-apprenticeship/

We have also been advised of Modern Apprenticeship vacancies with Bemco, who are looking to recruit two Electrical Engineering apprentices.  For further information, please email: info@dywled.org or phone 01698 400564

B Lee

P          Engineering the Future for Girls

There is an opportunity for girls in S3, who are interested in Engineering as a career, to attend a full week of activities at the University of Strathclyde from 17th-21st June 2019.

Employees from BP and BAM Nuttall and Researchers from the University of Strathclyde will engage you in a range of challenges that will inspire you to consider a career in engineering.

A Gray

P          Printing

Please remember that students can request to print an essay/assignment in B208.

B Lee

P          Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday, 24th November.  If you would like to help with the planning, organisation or on the day, please let Miss Lee know. Stalls will also be available to hire to guests for a donation of £10 to the School Fund.  Thank you to everyone for donating tombola and raffle prizes and for all your help with the organisation of the event.  Tickets are on sale or can be purchased on the day: £2.50 for adults, and £1 for school aged children and concessions.   We look forward to seeing you there!

B Lee

P          Blazer Exchange

We would love to receive donations of any unwanted items of school uniform, particularly school blazers, so that we can provide a ‘blazer exchange’. When we have sufficient stock, we hope to offer students the opportunity to exchange their blazer for a new size.  If we don’t have your size available, a token would be given meantime.  Please note: It would be helpful if blazers were washed before they are donated so that we can arrange the exchange quickly.

B Lee

P          EMA – S5/6

EMA application forms can be collected from the School Office or downloaded from the South Lanarkshire Council website. On the Council website, click on ‘Education and Learning’, then ‘Secondary School Information’, then ‘Education Maintenance Allowance’.  If you need any help with this, please see Mr Gray or your Pupil Support Teacher.

It is your responsibility to complete and send the application form.

When you receive an award letter with your EMA number on it, bring this to Miss Lee who will then issue a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by your teachers and Parent/Guardian.  You should then return the completed Learning Agreement to Miss Lee and the school office will then process your EMA.

Only when you have completed all of the above will the payment process begin.  Please see Mr Gray if you have any questions about EMA.

B Lee




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